So, you want to homeschool?

So, you want to homeschool? WELCOME! I’m so glad you are here! First things first. Take a deep breath and know that you are not alone! You have a world of support, right here in our community. 

Let’s get through the basics:

Indiana is one of the easiest states to homeschool in. School is not compulsory (meaning that you do not need to do any school) until the age of 7. Once you’re doing school, the requirements are pretty lenient. You do NOT need to report that you are homeschooling to the state. You must do 180 days. There’s no special form for attendance records, but it is a good idea to keep track of them for your own benefit. In Indiana, local public school superintendents and the State Attendance Officer may request a copy of your attendance records.

Withdrawing/transferring to homeschool: If your child is in elementary or middle school, it is recommended that you notify the school in writing/via email that you plan to withdraw the student. They will likely provide you a form to fill out and return. Those letters are NOT required for your elementary or middle school student. If your child is in high school, a notification in writing AND the official form provided by the school corporation are required.

Picking a curriculum: OH BOY. There are hundreds and hundreds of curriculums out there. You’re going to find people that love a curriculum and then turn around and find someone that hates that same curriculum. Here are some things to consider when picking a curriculum:

  • What’s your reason for homeschooling? You’ll want to find a curriculum that aligns there. 
  • What is your child’s learning style like? Does the curriculum you’re looking at support that type of learning?
  • What do you want your homeschool to look like? All online? No screens? Sitting at the kitchen table to ‘do school’ or sitting outside under a tree and learning by doing? All of these factors will affect whether or not a curriculum will ‘fit’ you. 
  • What does your kid want (if they are old enough to help make the decision)?
  • Do you NEED a curriculum? Pre-K & Kindergarten do not necessarily need a curriculum.

Youtube reviews and websites that review curriculum might be helpful for you! I personally enjoy Cathy Duffy Reviews! Best case scenario, you want to SEE homeschooling curriculum before you purchase. Put your hands on it, read through it, see how your child likes it. 

You have OPTIONS. Depending on WHY you are choosing to homeschool, you may consider that home education via a public school or online charter is the way to go. EVSC has a virtual academy. Indiana Virtual Academy, Virtual Prep of Indiana, Connections Academy, and K12. These programs tend to offer some form of required hours ‘in class’ and more structured coursework. Braintree Academy is a flexible public school option that allows parents the opportunity to select their own curriculum, while also offering structured classes for children. All of these programs have their own pros and cons and I highly recommend researching them and forming your own opinions of the programs after having all the information available to you. If you choose one of these programs, you will technically not be ‘home schooling,’ but you will be home educating! More blog posts to come on some of these programs!